Dylan & Spencer

Taylor Hasselhoff

Taylor Hasselhoff

Hiiii!! My name is Tay:) wow, I could not be more excited that this day has finally come. I met Dylan years ago thru mutual friends and realized we are the EXACT SAME WEIRD AND WEIRDLY CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER HUMAN. We instantly became best friends and I honestly could not imagine my life without her. She makes me laugh harder than anyone else and is the definition of my ride or die whose always got my back and ALWAYS there for me.  I can honestly be in my purest form every time I am with her whether that is sad, happy, hyper, confused, irritated with life, she makes me feel normal haha! No but really in all seriousness I love Dylan and Spencer so much and could not imagine my life without these two dingles! Dingles btw is the highest form of love in my book. What a celebration of pure love and happiness we have blessing our way! Dylan and Spencer were absolutely meant for each other and are the true definition of YING AND YANG. I cant wait to be apart of this journey in seeing my extraordinary, beautiful Best Friend walk down the isle to meet her forever Prince Charming. Get ready ladies and gentlemen for the overflow of tissues. CHEERS TO LOVE AND MY BFF GETTING MARRIED TO HER SWEETIE ! XOXO

Olivia Wachsberger

Olivia Wachsberger

My name is Olivia but I’m happy to go by Ollie, Olive, Oleeeve, or my new gangster rap name, “DaCheese”. Although I haven’t known Dylan “Dildo” Newman for long, I feel as if I’ve known her for hundreds of lifetimes. (best friends in the Ming Dynasty— what up!) Her essence transcends time and space and her spirit is with me constantly — whether it be in person, in thought, or during our hourly FaceTimes. Dylan has become my rock, my mentor, my spiritual advisor, and my best friend. Quite frankly, Spen, I’m jealous.

Olivia Collins

Olivia Collins

My name is Olivia! I met Dylan at a birthday dinner about 5 years ago — we just happened to be placed next to each other at the table! I felt an instant connection with Dylan. We talked all night about everything from astrology to relationships to soulmates, and I felt like I had already known her for years. After meeting Dylan, I knew she was a special soul and that she would be part of my life for a long, long time. I'm so thankful to have a friend like Dylan in my life. She's caring, compassionate, and she cracks me TF up on the daily. She always comes through with the horoscopes when shit doesn't feel right in the universe, and I don't know what I'd do without her. Wishing you and Spencer a lifetime of love and happiness! Love you Dyl! ❤️

Casey Bond

Casey Bond

Hi, I’m Casey! Dylan and I became friends on JV tennis in high school, where we gossiped and ate mooshy balls more than we actually played sports. We grew even closer navigating our quarter-life-crises together and medicating with live music. I live for her fascination with astrology (and occasionally laughing at it), which she pretends upsets her, but I know she loves it. And most importantly, I am her greatest subject because I am the least pisces pisces to walk this planet. While we haven’t always been joined at the hip, we always pick up wherever we left off when we’re together again, which is the best kind of friendship. <3 you Dyllie!

Amanda Marmer

Amanda Marmer

Hi! I'm Amanda. Dylan and I met in high school because we were both on the tennis team. I’m so grateful that we’ve remained friends ever since. One thing that hasn’t changed about her is that she’s ALWAYS the life of the party. We’ve had so many memories (& most of them I can’t share because let’s just say... they’re not PG). She’s seen me at my happiest, darkest and weirdest times and guess what... she stuck around. If that’s not considered a good friend then I don’t know what is. I’m so excited to welcome Spencer into the family and can’t wait for them to pop out babies. I love you Dylan and Spencer !!

Rachel Marmer

Rachel Marmer

Hii my name is Rachel! I’ve known Dylan since high school. We’ve had some crazy memories together but my most cherished memory was from the time she visited me in the Caribbean while I was in medical school. Even though I was studying a lot, she was the best company. I’m honored she wanted to include me during her special day. I love Spencer and believe they are a perfect partnership. I’m so excited to see what the future holds for them. Let’s party!!

Isabella Guetta

Isabella Guetta

Hello! My name is Izzy. I’m pretty sure I’m one of Dylan’s oldest friends. We met in 5th grade when she was exploring her interests in Jewish academia and transferred to Shalhevet. Dylan always has such vibrant and positive energy! My most fond memories are from high school. One time Dylan and I played secret agents at Starbucks during a friends blind date. We dressed up in Starbucks attire and successfully accomplished the mission. Although, we don’t see each other to frequently, I always look forward to seeing her and Spencer on double dates or Shabbat dinners. I am certain we will be in each others lives for ever. Congrats Dyl and Spencer!

Jennifer Hourani

Jennifer Hourani

Dylan and I didn’t get the chance to create our amazing friendship until after college, which feels so rare these days. She moved into my apartment for a couple of weeks - thanks Amanda! - and we hit it off instantly, hanging out basically every night. Not only did I love how kind, beautiful, smart and confident Dylan’s first impression was but also how mindful, receptive and refreshing she truly is deep down. She views the world, including other people, in her own unique way. She opened my mind up in ways that you’d expect from stepping out of your comfort zone or falling in love. These are the qualities many people look for in life experiences, but few actually find - and I found them in Dylan. So, I can’t imagine anyone luckier than Spencer right now. I wish Dylan and Spencer the absolute sweetest wedding and marriage and can’t wait to be standing next to her every step of the way.

Hunter Owens

Hunter Owens

Spencer and I met on Twitter over a decade ago and my life would not be the same without him. He got me into Silicon Valley, got me my first real job, and has brought multiple ideas that I’ve had in my head to life. We’ve never stopped collaborating on projects and I’m immensely grateful for his extraordinary talents. I couldn’t be more excited that he’s now joining forces with his perfect life partner, Dylan. I’ve loved Dylan just as much from my very first iteration with her and I’m thrilled to celebrate their future together. Dylan can read the universe and Spencer can put a dent in it.

Evan Cover

Evan Cover

Hey there, I’m Evan. I met Spencer during our time at Tufts. Like all great friendships, we had a ton of fun but also were there for each other when things got tough. Even though Spencer may wear glasses, his perspective and vision of the world is clearer than most. His perspective on all things is unique, refreshing, and energizing. He has introduced me to a whole new frontier of people and thoughts. I’ll forever be grateful for his humor, book recommendations, and love of rotten grapes. I am incredibly excited about the partnership that is Dylan and Spencer - Never before have I seen him so happy and at ease with another person. I cannot wait to see what these two will do together!

Sam Madden

Sam Madden

Spencer and I first met in college at Tufts in Boston and became fast friends based on our shared interests in technology, art, music and culture. Over the years our friendship has grown thanks to late nights and long conversations about everything and nothing, moving him out of college... twice, and a shared love of coffee and spontaneous adventures. What I have always appreciated the most about Spencer is his willingness to try new things and the thoughtful, creative way he approaches the world. Admittedly, I have only met Dylan once due to the fact that, until recently, I've lived in the Northeast but I am assured of the strength of their bond in the way that Spencer talks about how happy they are together.

Greg Ah-Fenne

Greg Ah-Fenne

Hello, I’m Greg. I met Spencer almost 8 years ago and my life hasn’t been the same since. In the years that followed, Spencer and I have gone on many adventures, from Palo Alto to Paris, leaving a trail of expensive dinner receipts happy memories in our wake. Spencer is truly one of the most unique people I’ve ever met, and I am incredibly lucky to know him. His capacity for understanding, creative nature, and prodigious intellect makes him not only one of the best people that I know, but also one of the most original. His enthusiasm for the world, and all the things that make it great, is palpable in everything that he thinks, says, or does, and it is impossible to not be inspired by his content, conversation, and character. All these qualities make him a phenomenal human and even better friend, and what I am confident will make him an incredible husband to Dylan. I cannot wait to see what these two get up to together! P.S. Thank you Dylan for the lovely photo :)

JD Remington

JD Remington

Spencer and I started following each other on Twitter about 10 years ago. Back then, and still to this day, Spencer had an incredible free-thinking spirit that I found captivating. Much of our friendship has been spent discussing our approaches to our lives and work. About five years ago, while I was attending USC, Spencer moved to Los Angeles and we had the opportunity to briefly work together in the music industry. We spent many late nights on a couch in West Hollywood discussing how we could empower artists and free them from the record labels. Although we did not succeed in our mission and spent no more than two years on the project, it was during those late nights that I fully grasped just how entrepreneurial and creative Spencer is. Apart from his talents, he is a hilarious and loyal friend, and I am absolutely thrilled for him and Dylan, who is equally as wonderful and gifted as Spencer. Looking forward to meeting all of you and most importantly, having a great time as we celebrate the union of these two great people!

Tyler Macdonald

Tyler Macdonald

Spencer and I met through a mutual friend at Tufts. Sam Madden introduced us at a party and we became pretty good friends right away. Little did I know that he’d become one of my closest friends. From planning his 21st in Vegas to trips to NY and parties in LA to meeting up him and Dylan in London, every adventure we have had has been unforgettable. Spencer’s positive outlook on life is infectious. He always finds a way to make you smile. He’s shown me that there are so many more ways to look at life. There is never a dull moment. Whether we’re talking about wine, thinking about starting a new business together, analyzing music, or talking about taking a random trip; he always brings a different light to the subject which I am very grateful for. The first time I met Dylan, I knew right away she’d be the one for him. It was almost a trial by fire and I can tell you that story another time… I’m beyond stoked to help celebrate the marriage of these two incredible people!

Will Strimling

Will Strimling

I met Spencer 10 years ago, and it’s clear now that it was one of the most impactful moments of my life. He’s one of the most generous people I have ever met. So many of the people I know, the opportunities I’ve had, and the best characteristics of who I am, I can trace directly back to him and his influence on me. It’s remarkable how much smaller my professional world would be if not for him. Despite this, our friendship has always been way more than professional. We’re both extremely passionate people, and I can’t think of anyone who I’ve felt more connected with in our interests—whether it be going to musical festivals together, starting companies together, Marathoning Gossip Girl, or exploring cities and taking photos. Spencer is like family. I was so thrilled when I met Dylan, and saw how she made him light up—it’s clear she is his perfect complement; and he hers! I am touched to be a part of their ceremony and to celebrate their lives together.

Sully Taylor

Sully Taylor

coming soon